3 Mental Health Myths Your Therapist Is Sick of Hearing

It's great that more people are talking about mental health, but not everything you hear is necessarily true. Don't fall for these 3 mental health myths!

Isobel Robb

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World's Most Anxious Countries: Slideshow

The prevalence of anxiety differs depending on where you live. See which ten countries have the highest rates of anxiety disorders in our slideshow, and learn why this variation exists.

How To Manage Anxiety With the Anxiety Equation

In this article, ManageMinds explains how you can use the Anxiety Equation to understand what's causing your anxiety and develop a set of coping skills that will slowly minimise your symptoms.

How Anxiety Affects Your Appetite

ManageMinds explains what anxiety does to your appetite and provides useful advice on how to manage these symptoms and prevent them from causing long term damage.

Looking for more support?

Advice is helpful, but to make significant progress you can’t beat the training and knowledge of a professional therapist. ManageMinds works with a team of experts who provide online therapy that you can access at your convenience.

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